Acupuncture, Stress Relief and Wellness


Acupuncture promotes the smooth flow of energy, in the body. When the energy channels become blocked, we tend to feel stressed, tired, fatigued  … out of balance, out of sorts. Other symptoms include anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, headache, sleeplessness, poor focus, auto immune diseases.  The list goes on.

By unblocking the channels, the energy in your system becomes abundant. This promotes the feelings of wellness, confidence and vitality. The  circulation of blood and vital fluids increases. Digestion improves. This increases health because the nutrients become absorbed from the digestive tract and via the blood become distributed in the body.  Toxins get are eliminated easily and naturally.


Physical health improves.  The mind becomes calmer and clearer.  You can accomplish more with greater easy.  Give acupuncture a chance.  You will be happy you did!