Acupuncture decreases the feeling of stress in the body by relaxing the energy channels, also known as energy meridians. This gives the feeling of well being and alleviates many symptoms which arise from stress including: Headaches and Migraine Headaches Back Pain Clenched Jaw Addictions OBGYN issues Fertility Depression Anxiety Digestive Issues Fatigue Sleep Disorders Acupuncture…(Read More)
Acupuncture Balances Our Energy. When our energy is balanced, the mind has the opportunity to come into balance as well. With simple meditation techniques and qualified instruction, one can enjoy the Mind’s Nature, the deep peace that seems to elude us, as well as joy, happiness and a deep sense of compassion. These qualities…(Read More)
In the wake of Robin Williams’ suicide I have been frequently asked, ” Can Acupuncture help with depression and mood swings.” Yes — acupuncture can and does. What acupuncture can do is raise and balance the energy flowing through your system without the use of drugs. It is really quite simple. Additionally, there are some…(Read More)
When someone is not feeling well, it is typical from a Western Medical point of view to look to physical causes. However, we also have an energy body. The energy body is intimately linked to our emotions. We emote our feelings energetically. Most physical illnesses have links into the energy body; especially chronic conditions and…(Read More)