Clear Up Skin Issues with Acupuncture
In diagnosing skin conditions, acupuncturists consider physical, emotional, and environmental factors. By taking the pulse, asking in-depth questions, and observing the tongue and skin, your acupuncturist will diagnose the condition according to its internal and external factors.
Skin diseases are generally caused by internal disharmonies, such as lack of Qi and blood, or environmental influences, such as wind, dryness, dampness, and heat. Stress, diet, and the individual’s constitution also contribute to these patterns.
Two common problems often treated are acne and eczema.
- Acne: Acne is generally associated with reactions to hormones, bacteria, and oils in the skin. It is most often associated with dampness, heat, and in severe cases blood stagnation. Once the dampness and heat are cleared from the system, the skin will also clear.
- Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a chronic allergic reaction which causes the skin to become red, inflamed, intensely itchy, and in some cases to blister. People who have eczema often also have asthma and allergies. All of these conditions are caused by heat, wind, and dampness, and can be treated effectively with acupuncture.
Likewise, acupuncture can also be effective in treating other skin conditions, such as, psoriasis, shingles, vitiligo, hives, warts, rosacea, and dermatitis.
For more information, contact the Acupuncture & Awareness Center of Knoxville.