Acupuncture relieves, back pain, stress and the emotional ups and downs we have in life. How does this happen? When the energy, (energy and “QI” are synonyms) flows easily in the body, our energy and our physical body come into balance. Pain and discomfort are relieved. The muscles relax. Blood flow improves. Nutrients are delivered…(Read More)
Acupuncture Relieves Headaches and Migraines. Acupuncture is very relaxing. The small filaments that we call needles are painlessly inserted into acupuncture points. When these points are stimulated, or activated, energy flows along energy pathways (meridians) where there were previous blocks. When relieving the pain and discomfort associated with headaches and migraine headaches, acupuncture works wonders…(Read More)
Allergies are generally induced by wind-born tree, grass, or weed pollen Allergies cause such symptoms as: sneezing; nasal congestion; runny nose; watery, itchy, or red eyes; headaches; fatigue coughing and wheezing. Conventional treatment of allergies by Western medicine employ antihistamine agents. These only treat the manifestations of the disease, not the root. They cause…(Read More)
Acupuncture promotes the smooth flow of energy, in the body. When the energy channels become blocked, we tend to feel stressed, tired, fatigued … out of balance, out of sorts. Other symptoms include anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, headache, sleeplessness, poor focus, auto immune diseases. The list goes on. By unblocking the channels, the…(Read More)