Acupuncture relieves, back pain, stress and the emotional ups and downs we have in life. How does this happen? When the energy, (energy and “QI” are synonyms) flows easily in the body, our energy and our physical body come into balance. Pain and discomfort are relieved. The muscles relax. Blood flow improves. Nutrients are delivered…(Read More)
Acupuncture decreases the feeling of stress in the body by relaxing the energy channels, also known as energy meridians. This gives the feeling of well being and alleviates many symptoms which arise from stress including: Headaches and Migraine Headaches Back Pain Clenched Jaw Addictions OBGYN issues Fertility Depression Anxiety Digestive Issues Fatigue Sleep Disorders Acupuncture…(Read More)
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine … New Growth in Spring. Living Stress Free. In Nature, Spring brings on new growth. New leaves and flowers bud, the chirping of birds can be heard more frequently, our activity increases and the amount of daylight is on the rise as the days grow longer than night. Warmth increases. Usually, there…(Read More)