In diagnosing skin conditions, acupuncturists consider physical, emotional, and environmental factors. By taking the pulse, asking in-depth questions, and observing the tongue and skin, your acupuncturist will diagnose the condition according to its internal and external factors. Skin diseases are generally caused by internal disharmonies, such as lack of Qi and blood, or environmental…(Read More)
Acupuncture Balances Our Energy. When our energy is balanced, the mind has the opportunity to come into balance as well. With simple meditation techniques and qualified instruction, one can enjoy the Mind’s Nature, the deep peace that seems to elude us, as well as joy, happiness and a deep sense of compassion. These qualities…(Read More)
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine … New Growth in Spring. Living Stress Free. In Nature, Spring brings on new growth. New leaves and flowers bud, the chirping of birds can be heard more frequently, our activity increases and the amount of daylight is on the rise as the days grow longer than night. Warmth increases. Usually, there…(Read More)