Acupuncture Relieves Headaches and Migraines. Acupuncture is very relaxing. The small filaments that we call needles are painlessly inserted into acupuncture points. When these points are stimulated, or activated, energy flows along energy pathways (meridians) where there were previous blocks. When relieving the pain and discomfort associated with headaches and migraine headaches, acupuncture works wonders…(Read More)
The Versatility of Acupuncture No-one expects a car to run without being properly maintained. No-one expects to ignore their own dental care and avoid problems with their teeth and gums. What regular preventive acupuncture treatment can do is prevent small imbalances from becoming large illnesses and diseases. It’s an investment in your…(Read More)
Allergies are generally induced by wind-born tree, grass, or weed pollen Allergies cause such symptoms as: sneezing; nasal congestion; runny nose; watery, itchy, or red eyes; headaches; fatigue coughing and wheezing. Conventional treatment of allergies by Western medicine employ antihistamine agents. These only treat the manifestations of the disease, not the root. They cause…(Read More)
Acupuncture promotes the smooth flow of energy, in the body. When the energy channels become blocked, we tend to feel stressed, tired, fatigued … out of balance, out of sorts. Other symptoms include anxiety, depression, body aches and pains, headache, sleeplessness, poor focus, auto immune diseases. The list goes on. By unblocking the channels, the…(Read More)
Acupuncture is very effective treating Diabetes. How? By stimulating the appropriate energy meridians, the pancreas will produce more insulin and keep blood sugar levels more normal. Acupuncture relieves stress. This takes the pressure off the Spleen and Pancreas, allowing for better insulin production. Acupuncture in itself is very relaxing. When you are more relaxed,…(Read More)
Acupuncture Helps with holiday stress, and all forms of stress. When the Energy (the Qi) flows smoothly, everything feels better. There is a feeling of wellness. Little upsets get released before illness occurs…(Read More)
Acupuncture decreases the feeling of stress in the body by relaxing the energy channels, also known as energy meridians. This gives the feeling of well being and alleviates many symptoms which arise from stress including: Headaches and Migraine Headaches Back Pain Clenched Jaw Addictions OBGYN issues Fertility Depression Anxiety Digestive Issues Fatigue Sleep Disorders Acupuncture…(Read More)
When someone has a headache of any variety, on the the mild side they may experience a feeling tension and stress. On the severe side, they may suffer extreme pain, fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, and over sensitivity, among other unpleasant feelings. Acupuncture will relieve these symptoms. In addition to relieving the symptoms that come with…(Read More)
Acupuncture Balances Our Energy. When our energy is balanced, the mind has the opportunity to come into balance as well. With simple meditation techniques and qualified instruction, one can enjoy the Mind’s Nature, the deep peace that seems to elude us, as well as joy, happiness and a deep sense of compassion. These qualities…(Read More)
Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine … New Growth in Spring. Living Stress Free. In Nature, Spring brings on new growth. New leaves and flowers bud, the chirping of birds can be heard more frequently, our activity increases and the amount of daylight is on the rise as the days grow longer than night. Warmth increases. Usually, there…(Read More)